Thursday, October 3, 2013

Final Stop for Ideaology

I have looked for years for the "ideal" place to keep my ideaology.  I am a collector one would say.  I have a tendency to purchase if its on sale, if I'm running low,if I find out its no longer going to be availableor because I just plan feel like it. In the past, I have tried a host of things that I thought would work, only to find.... they didn't.

I started out just keeping them in the original packaging thinking that would be easier. Ha!!! Then the obsession began and that filled up a room rather quickly.  I next turned to a clip up device that would have it all on display and readily handy if I needed it.  This method took up to much space and I ended up just spinning and spinning until I was the one falling to the ground.  I then took it all to a binder method  with a zip lock storage containers. Once again utter failure.  Like a binder could contain me.  What was I thinking.  I then moved onto the tackle box... now this is before Tim came out with his Ideaology box which appeared to be the same concept and has worked for me up until now.  I never got into the Ideaology box... maybe because I have never seen a box up close.  My good old tackle box has worked great for me but I have to say a few weeks ago, I was scoping out a store that's new to me and "OH MY GOD!!!!"  The amount of raw wood products just waiting for me to alter.  My daughter Haley had to drag me out!!! But not before I grabbed this one little gem.  Once I told her what I "needed" it for... she was totally on board.
Now that I have it done. I think I need to venture up and grab another because I think I need two of these sitting on my desk. Now I have a method of Ideaology storage that will allow for it all to sit on my desk within arms reach.  What more can a girl ask for??? I mean really. 
So this box was raw wood that I painted with Claudine Hellmuth paint then covered with various papers from the Tim Holtz Crowded Attic Collection.  Most of my Idealogy fits into really nicely.  I am looking for a font that I like to slip into the fronts so each box is labeled perfectly.
Hope you like my new home for all my Ideaology!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Let it "B"
While its been forever since I've spend any time in my studio, I am making a vow to spend at least an hour in there everyday for at least the next three weeks. Then I have to take a two week break so my family can move.  Hopefully my new space will be bigger and better to work in and will produce all the projects I have jumbled in my head.
I decided to jump into a canvas for our new basement. When I completed  it my stepmom saw it and decided she needed one as well.  Below is the canvas, I made for her and my dad's living room.  I used a variety of techniques from dry brushing and antiquing. I found most of the metal items at Hobby Lobby and Michaels.  Dad is an avide duck hunter so I thought the feathers fit in perfect. Hope you like what I did.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Tattered Flower Challenge...Spring????

Here in the Mid-Missouri area, celebrating the coming of spring is definately questionable this weekend.  There is a chill in the air and you can feel snow in the air... I know a lot of people really enjoy that fluffy white stuff but to me it is definately the ultimate four letter word.  After the winter we have had, I have had enough... Mother Nature ---enough is ENOUGH. Bring on the sun and fun.  I am ready for green grass, the feel of the sun on my skin, flip flops and beautiful flowers.
Now when I think of spring, I can not help but think of the spring of 2001... April the 6th to be exact.  That was the day my life change for the rest of my life.  I became a mom. Now some women are born to be moms and know they will be great moms from the very beginning, then there are women  like myself that never knew what an amazing gift if was to have children.  Haley is now going on 12 and I enjoy her a little more everyday.  Where has the time gone???  With every coming of spring I know another year has gone by and I wonder how time passes so fast.  This piece is from her second birthday. 

When I saw the distress paints I could see Haleys sweater set from pictures when she turned 2.  I made flowers out of the tattered flower die cut and scrunched them together and wrapped them with flower tape.  Hope you like my little creation of my not so little girl.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November Tag

November has always been one of my favorite months.  Even though it generally has cooler temperatures, which I am not very fond of it gives us time to reflect on what we are thankful for hopefully not just on Thanksgiving but each and every day.  I know that I have spend every day thinking about what I would do without my wonderful husband. We have been together since I was 16. Holy cow-- more than half my life.  He has been my rock and I feel like I have been his, although we have had some rocky times lately I know we have made it through the storm. 

November is the month when Tim and I both celebrate our birthdays.  This year my birthday was on Thanksgiving as it was the year I was born and Tim celebrates the big 4-0 on the 29th.  Above is a picture taken of us earlier this month in front of the Belligo in Vegas to celebrate his birthday.  Happy Birthday Baby!!!!

My November tag is another one of my favorites because it includes a lot of my favorite colors.  I have always been fond of oranges, yellow and green hues.  Add a little brown in there and I'm in heaven--although I have found some delight in the vibrance of the Dylusions lately.  This months tag was fun and pretty easy--hope you like my version.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One Last Halloween Post

I couldn't help but work on Halloween projects up until the last minute.  I did this Halloween plague to put on the table to welcome my trick or treaters tomorrow night.  I love Wendy Vecchi's Art Parts.  I doesn't take any time to put together a great piece of work that displays beautifully.  Hope you enjoyed this fun piece I put together with Graphic 45's Happy Haunting paperline.

Thanks for stopping by!!!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October Tag-- New Love Dry Rock Candy Glitter

I had a great time making this months tag.  It was the first time I had a change to actually get to Tim's tag done before the end of the month.  I love the new Distress Glitter.  I used Dylusions under it on the broom and the witches face which I think made the witch a little more fun!!! I hope you like this months tag and hopeful it won't be the last one I do for the year. I'm going to try to catch up on all the other tags this week --wish me luck!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

One Perfect Day

A year ago this week, I spent one spectacular week on Royal Caribbeans Freedom of the Seas touring the Eastern Caribbean with two of my best friends-- my husband Tim and Angie.  This was part of Tim Holtz's last crafting cruise through Scrap Map.  I have not blogged about this experience but to say the entire experience was amazing is an understatement.  The people you meet... the sites that you see... and the memories you make.  My favorite day or memory of the entire cruise had to be one of the simplest we had.  Paul, Angie, Tim and I set off after we docked at St. Maarten and took a water taxi over to the shopping district where Angie and I both scored some fabulous Disney luggage at a great price before heading over to the most gorgeous beach I have ever seen.  We spent all day long--literally up until the very last minute we could on that beach.  Of course, my hubby had made some friends and we had them take our picture enjoying our perfect day.

For the project, I started out painting the base of the shadow box with Claudine Hellmuth Traditional Tan.  Once it was dry, I took some Vaseline and streaked it over the box in various areas that I wanted to look distressed then I covered it with Claudine Hellmuths Charcoal Black.  Once the box was dry, I sanded it down to reveal the tan where the Vaseline was.  I then used Graphic 45 Tropical Traveloge paper collection to embellish around the picture.  I fussy cut the flowers and leaves and the beach from the cover.  I found some flowers and colored them to my liking with some Dylusions and Perfect Pearl Mists.

I love the flowers in the Graphic 45 paper but the leaves remind me so much of the islands that we were on and that is the reason I am submitting this to the Simon Says Challenge this week.

Make sure you check out Simons Blog here:

                                                           Simon Says Challenge Blog

Thanks for stopping by!!!